Aging is natural. Aging can be fun, and it can be very difficult, and sometimes both at the same time. Quite frankly, aging is complicated. There are so many ways to approach aging and honestly, it is very individualized. How you engage with aging parents depends on their needs and wants. You need to take each situation individually. That does not sound like a one and done plan, and it is not.
5 Tips to Master Aging Parents
Listen to Their Needs
Listening sounds easy. However, REALLY listening might be a bit tricky. You need to listen to what your aging parents are expressing, as physical or mental health concerns. Also tune in when you visit their physical environment to make sure it is safe, clean, and free from injury as much as possible. How to monitor their needs seems so basic; but yet, you are not engaged in listening, if you are vacuuming, picking up, or checking the refrigerator at the same time. You need to be present. Furthermore, you need to have a one to one connection with their finances, medical professionals, and friends. You will really get the scoop of what is going on when you listen attentively and converse with their team of people, they interact with on a weekly basis.
Talk to Them
Not only is listening a key component in understanding your parents health, but also you need to talk to them. Ask questions to socialize with them, as they are your parents. Also talking and developing conversations about common interests, opens the door to them feeling comfortable to discuss difficult subjects. As mentioned before, aging is not for the weak. It is a different journey for everyone. Constant contact, or should it be routine contact, is essential to stay on top of their physical, social, and mental well being.
Use Technology to its Benefit
To manage your parents well being, technology is your friend. There are so many devices to help you monitor their health from heart health to have they fallen down or are they lost. Please explain the benefits and utilize the technology to assist in their wellness and safety. Get peace of mind for you and your parents.
Plan for Plan B
Life is easy and wonderful; until it is not. It is to everyone’s benefit to have a plan in case mom or dad falls or they develop dementia and do not know how to drive home. These are a couple examples of situations that can happen, and you need a backup plan. Keep a folder of critical documents with your parents and you and your siblings. Have all the legal documents like Power of Attorney and Living Will readily accessible for the just in case scenario. Also, have medical records up to date and easily accessible too. Have your support system in place, so you have assistance and everything is ready to go for the “just in case” situations.
Take Care of You
Caregiving for your children, grandchildren, and parents is a lot of work. Make sure you are prepared to have help, so you can take care of yourself. No one should take on all the tasks alone. Ask for help. Take rests when needed, and let your parents know you love them.
Navigating the aging process is not easy and as mentioned before, not a one stop shop of solutions either. Learning the best method of care for your aging loved ones is not always easy.. If you have more questions or concerns about your aging parents, contact Ann Jamison at Senior Living Options. Ann is experienced with aging adults and how to find the best living arrangements or resources for your parents at each chapter of the aging process. She has been a caregiver and has expert advice to help you have a positive experience while helping mom or dad move to the next chapter of living a full and purposeful life.
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